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An out of body experience is to consciously be in an existence apart from this physical world. For those people who have an out of body experience, the event is real, experiencing is believing. For those who have not had an out of body experience, doubt prevails.

Since the out of body experience is extraordinary and goes against prevailing scientific and materialistic opinion, proof that it is possible would be reassuring even to those who have the events. It would be nice to know that the experience is not a mere moment of insanity.

The resources in this site will demonstrate that an out of body experience is not only possible, but very real, scientific, and even ordinary. I say ordinary because everyone ventures with their mind out of their body every day and night. Day dreaming, imagining, recollecting experiences and night dreaming transpose the mind into realities apart from the body.

Our consciousness demonstrates its independence also when it forces the body to do things totally contrary to the body's best interests. This would include doing things that put the body at peril such as going to battle, eating improperly, not exercising, driving drunk and the like.

The out of body experience focused on in this website is more extraordinary than a dream. It is a real existence, even more real, than the existence in the material body. This notion is resisted by materialists and evolutionists because it suggests a reality other than their limited four-dimensional one. It also implies that we, the "I" that resides in each of us, are not mortal. If we are not mortal, that could mean that death might only mean the shedding of a physical shell and a birth into another existence.

Since this has tones of religion, materialists reject it out of hand. They see religion as obscurantic, anti-progress, anti-science and anti-rational. However, the out of body experience has nothing to do with organized religion - although some who have the out of body experience consider it to be quite "religious."

To skeptics, atheists, evolutionists, and the like, the "I" needs to be kept as a mere consequence of physical neuronal function that ends upon death. Immortality and life after death are just too absurd to someone convinced that what they see and touch defines the limits of reality.

There are many lines of proof for the out of body experience beyond the testimony of those who have had the experience. These include the fact that matter is actually not four dimensional or solid once it is reduced to its smallest parts. Quantum physics has proven that the particles that reside within the atom are more like waves and harmonics, such as superstrings. These are terms that also best describe the function of mind and thought. In other words, at its fundamental level, matter is not the solid touchy feely stuff we ordinarily think of when we think of matter. It is more like mind and thought.

Quantum physics also demonstrates that these four dimensions do not define the limits of reality. There are actually limitless dimensions, limitless universes and realities beyond those our physical senses can detect. These are difficult concepts to grapple with. We cannot measure them, see them, feel them or even reduce them to an equation. They and the out of body experience may be counterintuitive, but that does not deny their reality.

Nevertheless, critics, skeptics, and debunkers of paranormal phenomena, like the out of body experience, insist on keeping us constrained by these four dimensions. They brand any suggestion otherwise as quackery, witchcraft and bogus magic. They forget that any significantly advanced science - such as quantum physics - is indistinguishable from magic when first discovered. The round Earth, heliocentric universe, germ cause of disease, human flight, and E=MC2 were all discoveries derided by the scientific and religious minds of the time as magic and witchcraft.

Intelligent skepticism means to allow for the possibility of anything, not the preclusion of things not held in one's present belief system.

Other lines of evidence proving that the out of body experience is possible include free will. If mind, the "I", is only a product of atoms, then one must conclude that atoms have free will. But they don't. Atoms behave predictably according to the laws of physics and chemistry. They do not "choose" anything. They are slaves. But we are not slaves. We are volitional creatures. Therefore we, the "I", are something different than the matter of which we are composed and therefore not constrained by it.

The "I", the thing we consider to be self, is elsewhere and not imprisoned in the cranial vault. This makes the out of body experience entirely feasible. The evidence proves that the body and mind are mere tools of the "I", a being that actually resides in a nonphysical realm. Similarly, a scene of African wildlife on television does not mean the Kalahari is inside your television in the living room. The reality exists on the other side of the world and is merely transmitted through the television set. Our reality is elsewhere too. We are merely using these four dimensions and the mortal body as a temporary television set.

Also consider that in spite of all the sophisticated neuroscience, neurosurgery, histology, cytology and biochemistry, nobody knows where a thought actually comes from. We have probed, prodded and dissected every nanometer of the brain and have no idea why or where thoughts are initiated, or why they are not totally random making us all quite insane and nonfunctional. The evidence proves that they come from elsewhere, outside of our four dimensions, in a place where the "I" resides…and the out of body experience can take place.

To learn more about the out of body experience, the proof that it is not only possible but real, and even how you can learn to have one yourself, explore the links and resources here.

The importance of the out of body experience goes beyond entertainment and curiosity. It goes to the heart of the most important questions we face: where did we come from, why are we here and where are we going?

The answers can provide a sense of bearing and purpose that is key to a happy and healthy life and the prospect of a better world.